21 June, 2007

So much for posting once a week, eh?

The grandparents arrived home yesterday, along with Fuzzbutt. We're getting a new motorhome again; bigger, diesel, and with adequate suspension.

Besides a couple of T-shirts, they brought me back a case of Chil Koot Lager from Whitehorse (and only available from there). It's a decent tasting beer.

The lawn is turning to seed very nicely and many weeds have been removed, however there is still a butt load of work left before the lawn can be mowed. This is without discussing the constant trimming of trees and shrubs.

There seems to be so much less work to do in winter (also somewhat less fun to be had).

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07 June, 2007

I'm still alive and breathing. Who would have thought that not working could take up so much time, but then with work once u're of for the day there usually isn't much time left to get into circumstances that keep u away from the computer for days/weeks.

I've seen woodpeckers around, and found what appears to be an old nesting tree at the far end of the Vienna Woods. I've also gotten a few more deer shots (this time on 800 speed).

Seems just about everywhere i look (and i'm riding my bicycle so i'm covering some pretty good ground) i find Saskatoon berry bushes (the berries here in Grand Forks look to be ready in two-three weeks, roughly) and Oregon Grape shrubs (although i've only seen any with berries).

I also had mangoes for the first time a few days ago. A friend called and asked if i wanted to go to the beach. I had only had one hour of sleep but i went and we ate mangoes under the shade of some trees (the craziest part would probably be that i was expecting the call when i went to sleep and i knew that i was only going to get one or two hours).

Things so far are going well living with my mother for the month. I've pruned trees at three in the morning using a little dollar store LED "miner's" style head light, and i've been weeding the law that we're allowing to go to seed for the present time.

Now, i have to start and get ready for Karaoke tonight.

*just a lightly edited semi-abstract thing today.

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