29 September, 2006

Last night, I had a minor bout of boredom around 11:30pm. Not enough time to get a decent start on a book before bedtime, so I decided to do some linksurfing off of the 40 or so blogs I regularly read. I found myself a few new-to-me blogs, as if I need more blogs to regularly read, and then wound up over at Chip Willis' not-so-new-to-me photoblog -- a mix of personal BS and fashion photography (as a rule I hate fashion -- what Oscar Wilde called a form of ugliness so horrible that it has to be changed every six months -- and its attendant photographers, but Chip's OK, more artist than industry hack).

Anyway, while there, I found what I will describe as the best art e-zine that I have ever stumbled across: IdeaFixa. It's Brazilian, with an english translation (not that there's much text, at least not in the english version), fairly new, and contains some excellent art from various 2D visual genres.


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