Hay There

Well folks, i only have one roll of film to rescan (actually only about 6-7 images) and only one roll of new film to get developed on Thursday (hopefully, there are still a few unexposed frames, but i'm going out tomorrow night so i should be able to remedy that).
So anyway, with this in mind, i've been sorting through my early early work, finding which store prints go with which negatives (everything before mid 2005 was all jumbled together) and i had to sort this all out because i use the store prints to index what was scanned how. It's all part of my misfiling system. With two more rolls to match up, it looks like i've got about a hundred extra prints. I'm pretty sure that some of the prints will match up with film/print combinations that were found "intact," but somewhere or other i've misplaced about three rolls of film (out of twenty-five or thirty pre-misfiling system rolls). Oh well, i suppose that's not too bad over the course five years, and two major and three to five minor moves (the latter depending on which year at college i got that little 35mm point and shoot).
Enough digression. Today's pic is the other one that got a bit munched in developing (only i know where). It was shot at about quarter to eight pm on 2 February 2007, downtown Grand Forks. Too bad it's a fairly new truck eh, but in ten years the designs will be completely different again and in twenty to thirty...
Labels: Grand Forks, night photography, photo
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