Deer & Beer

Lastnight was kinda interesting. I left home around 6pm, and shot a total of 1/3 of a roll of film including two shots of whitetail (probably a yearling, judging by size) that I was able to get within about 4 metres of, near the local railway trestle on the Trans Canada Trail (more about that when I actually post the pic). I know Diana must have been smiling on me to get close enough to 'fill the frame' with a wild animal while using something as short as 80mm.
The other shots were just my typical landscape crap, we'll see if anything turns out.
Around 9pm, I went to The Winnie and had a couple pints.
Met this bloke, Yuri, and discussed some philosophy. His understanding of the nature of God is similar to mine. I suspect that we have much to teach eachother, although getting him to shut-up long enough to listen may be a problem (I wonder how many beer he had had by the time we met. He wasn't wasted, but may have had enough to be the cause of his verbal diarrhea).
This shot was taken in the small wood near my house, back on 28 April '06. Using a 28-80mm zoom, f8, AP, and a Kodak C-41 400ASA B&W that I haven't used much, (and lightly sepia toned in Photoshop). It was about 5pm, with the contrasty late afternoon light that U get in wooded areas. This is one of only two decent shots that I got of these two does chewing their cuds (I took six shot total).
Labels: BandW, deer, Grand Forks, photo
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