Well, I've managed to scan a total of six rolls of film since I got my scanner, and I've figured out its operation pretty well (well enough for the moment). I'm looking forward to the next two rolls I have to scanned (working backwards from recent to earlier stuff, with a priority to anything new that comes in) because I haven't scanned any B&W yet. I have an understanding of how my current chosen colour film lays down grain under various shooting situations, and I've been wanting to see how the Kodak C-41 process (for those of U without a clue, it's the same chemistry as the colour negative used at every One-Hour-Photo lab in North America) B&W film that I've used looks up close and personal, because I do enjoy B&W and have plans to shoot quite a bit of it in the future. I do plan, eventually, to shoot traditional B&W films and do my own developing (control freak that I am), but that's still a ways off, and even then there will be times where the convenience factor with C-41 comes into play.
Anyway, the shot is once again the Kettle river, about two minutes later, 10 feet, and about 160 degrees off from the one shown in my previous post.
Labels: Grand Forks, Kettle River, photo
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