Last night was good. The temperature was right around freezing and things were a bit foggy/hazy, making for some wonderful light in town (especially with the city's Consumersmas decorations still up). So, anyway, I managed to finish off the last of the final roll of film of 2006, and get a small start on the first roll of 2007 (and partake of a couple of a couple pints, but I digress).
I've almost finished scanning those two rolls of B&W I mentioned a couple posts ago. All in all, this B&W seems to have similar resolution to the colour film I usually use (or it could be that I've run up against the sharpness/contrast limits of my Nikkor zoom lens, I mean U don't exactly expect a kit lens to be made with the best glass in the world, now do U). Beyond that, I do find that this Kodak, C-41 process B&W doesn't seem to hold much detail in the shadows. There just doesn't seem to be much detail in the bottom quarter of the histogram. Not that there's much real detail in that region of a colour neg. either, but what little bit of colour U do get down there seems to make on hell of a substitute, at least to my eyes.
I shot this Grand Forks field last summer. It had been raining on and off a bit. Naturally, it opened up and started to just piss down right as I was setting up the tripod. Those critters are deer, a pretty common sight in GF, U can see 'em a little better in the full size.
(One of the things I've been thinking of doing, is getting a fast, long lens, loading some high speed film and hanging out around dusk, even in town under street light. I've done the math, and 200mm, f2 and ASA800 is totally doable. Maybe in the summer of '08.)
Labels: deer, Grand Forks, photo
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