More Grand Forks Deer

I was in to Penticton yesterday. Got the last roll of '06 developed, and picked up a couple print cartiges and some 4x6 HP paper w/ perferated tab (that's the one thing I dislike about my current printer, the damn 1/2 inch minimum boarder on the ass end of every print. Oh well, I'll have a newer, bigger HP in few months). I also picked up a bar of Lindt Excellence Dark chocolate with 85% Cocoa content. Personally, I find it a bit too bitter for eating, but it would be perfect shaved for on top of a Mochachino, or maybe on chocolate cheesecake...
Where was I?
Oh yah, since I showed the field with the deer in it last time, I figured I'd show U some more Grand Forks deer. This fella was photographed (don't want to say shot) on the 14th of last July, maybe 100 -140 feet from house. Now, just to be clear about it, the longest I can go is 80mm worth of lens (just slightly telephoto on a 35mm camera) so I had to get within 30-35 feet of this wee beastie, not to mention crop off about 4.5% of the image, just to get U this close to the critter. Anyway, I think it works as a bit of environmental portraiture a la venison (I think I just found a title for this). As always, click to see it "full size" (400x600).
Labels: deer, Grand Forks, photo
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