Old & New

Well, I dropped those three rolls of film I've been sitting on, off at Photo Arts yesterday, when I went to see about a scanner. Just got the prints back toady, and some of them are really good (U'll have to take my word for it, no scans until I get my scanner), others I'm going to have to wait and see with (I shot some planning on contrast masking, etc. in post). Unfortunately, the cost of developing with Photo Arts is prohibitive. The bill was $36 for three 24 exposure rolls.
This shot is one of my early works, taken last summer in Penticton at a great little bar, Voodoo's. Great spot, lots of live music and jam sessions etc, reasonably priced beer. The owner seems to be a bit of a (camera) gearhead. We didn't get too much of chance to talk, but she was encouraging of some of my early work. Next time I get to spend a few days in Pen, guess where I'm watering.
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